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Does your new business need to be an LLC or an S-Corp?
The very first step in setting up a legally sound business is deciding what type of entity you are: an LLC or a corporation. There are many similarities between the two terms, but there are some key differences that you need to be aware of. Here’s our breakdown of LLCs vs. corporations.
Is This Person an Employee or an Independent Contractor?
Bringing on a team is an exciting part of starting your own business. It’s great to share your passion with other people — and to be a part of supporting them and their families. But it can be complicated to decide what kind of team member they are.
Using Confidentiality Agreements to Protect Your Business
A confidentiality agreement, often called a Non-Disclosure Agreement or NDA, is a legal agreement that protects discussions between parties by specifying what information will be considered confidential and how such information should be used by the recipient.
How to Form an LLC: A Simple Guide for New Business Owners
An LLC is considered to be one of the most flexible and easiestbusiness forms to manage. In this article, we will provide you with asimple step by step guide to form an LLC.
Keeping Your Trademark Alive
If you have a trademark registration, you must file certain maintenance documents to keep the registration alive. Failure to file these documents will result in cancellation of your registration, so mark your calendar.
How to Find a Top Company Attorney
At some point, all businesses will reach a point where they feel like they need legal advice. We’re giving you tips on what to do when you find yourself in that position.
Tips for Hiring an Independent Contractor
What's the difference between an employee and an independent contractor? Are you classifying your independent contractors correctly? We've got some tips and do's and don'ts for using independent contractors.
Protecting Intellectual Property In Video Games
Once the exclusive domain of basement-dwellers and geeks, video games have become a lucrative, multi-billion dollar industry.